Monday, 31 January 2011

cand cineva judeca

Cand cineva judeca un lucru,
intreaba-te cat de bun este acea persoana in acel domeniu?

este expert cu enorm succes si vorbeste din experienta proprie?sau este doar mediocru si face presupuneri?
sau este praf, si face presupuneri?

Friday, 28 January 2011

Din Salariu Cui sa ii DAU Banii Mei?

Raspuns: Simplu, prima oara MIE.

din ce ai muncit luna trecuta cat ai?

din ce ai muncit tot anul trecut, cat ai?

deci dai bani tuturor, si nu si persoanei tale.



(10% pt urgente, 10% pt rezerva pt sfarsitul lunii)

10% pt Datorii

50% (sau mai putin) pt NEVOI

20% Dorinte.

recomand: Cel Mai Bogat Om din Babilon

Every day the POWER grows stronger!

High I fly
I touch the sky
Far above your frozen hearts
You can't kill my dreams
You can't kill my spirit
I was born to be free

I walk to my own song
Every day the power grows stronger in me
I walk to my own song
Head up proud
I'm the master of my own destiny

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Explaining sex to someone who's never done it

I'm feeling a bit upset..

that I can't seem to put an epiphany into words...

probably someone reading it would just shrug and say:

'i don't get it.. is the guy crazy?'


text on a screen is just 'information' .. it is to 'know about..'


you have to feel it and experience it and live it to truly 'know'

My Memories are Not Real !

(is it going to mess with me as much as the last one did?)

my memories... my ..dream


they're not.. now..


so is it all just one big lie?!

who am I ?

If I'm not my memories?!


I think a part of me just died...


hmm.. must be part of the 'false self' that Tolle keeps talking about...


Tyler from Fight Club did say 'you are not your fucking Ikea furniture'..

so I guess 'you are not your memories' is pretty much .. just as true!


So what's left? The 'real' self? The consciousness?

I don't know.. yet..

at the moment I'm feeling .. lack.. loss.. threat..
threat of loss...

I guess it's just the ego.. in it's suffering...


okay okay.

just accept it.

and come back to now.

there we go. much better.


Remember last nights dream?

Remember the dream from the night before?


Remember waking up yesterday, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast?

Remember last years vacation?


What are they? Are they not just stories in your head?
Memories.. memories of dreams...


They are not real now.

Only the present moment is real, now.

so.. what is the past?

.. 'memories'...

..daydreams .. about dreams..


Were they ever real?

Friday, 21 January 2011

frecventa vibratiei muzicii, si frecventa puterii constiintei

nu melodia, nu muzica.. este cea care contine in ea puterea, curajul, bucuria, iubirea...

muzica pur si simplu are o frecventa a virbratiei.. si acea vibratie a melodiei este in rezonanta
cu frecventa de vibratie a constiintei, a vietii, a fiintei,

a cine esti cu adevarat..

nu muzica te face sa te simti bine,
ci pur si simplu tu esti cel care se deschide.. la acea frecventa..
si permiti vietii.. de la acea frecventa.. sa intre in trupul tau .. se manifeste in trupul tau..

si atunci spui ca 'muzica asta ma energizeaza'

cand defapt energia o ai intotdeauna la dispozitie cum ar veni..

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Flood your brain with positive thoughts

if thinking is involuntary (as Eckhart Tolle says)

and if thinking is about 75% negative (as David Allen says)

and if you can have the power to change your mental patterns (as general NLP theories say)

than it makes very much sense to

re-program your mind with new powerful pozitive thoughts.

-> surround yourself with positive, optimistic, successful people

-> surround yourself motivational images

-> listen to more motivational audio programs

flood your brain with positivity

Nu iti dori sa fie mai usor, doreste-ti sa fii TU mai bun!

Nu iti dori sa fie mai usor, doreste-ti sa fii TU mai bun!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Your motivation and your vision

If you're not feeling motivated to do something,
then ask yourself: what is your vision?

what kind of images to you give your nervous system about that?
unclear images of vague undetermined obstacles?
or powerful images of wild success?

Pisica ce fuge de purici

Persoana care simte suferinta sufleteasca, si cauta sa fuga in alta tara sau alt continent ca sa scape de durere, nu este cu nimic diferita de pisica ce fuge dintr-o camera in alta, ca sa scape de purici.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Are you trying to get or are you CREATING?

When you are in bed with a woman, are you trying to get or are you CREATING?

Are you trying to get sex from her (getting mindset) ?


Are you CREATING a beautiful moment for her, and for you (CREATING mindset) ?

If you are trying to get, then you are going to be in your head, thinking of what to do, what to say, and you're not even going to be there, with her, feeling the moment.
and it's going to be a constant challenge. it's hard following the getting pathway.

If you are trying to Create, to increase the beauty of the moment, then it does not even matter if you 'get laid'.
What matters is that you are expressing yourself, openly, fully, and authentically.
no hidden agendas. no lines or routines. just you. just what you are feeling in the moment.
if sex does not happen, you are not affected. if it does, you enjoy it.
Once you experience the creating pathway, there's really no going back.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Amazing Creative Expression

The human mind is AMAZING at High Level CREATIVE Thinking and CREATIVE EXPRESSION,

and it is (at best) mediocre at mechanical remember-and-remind low-level tasks.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Respect pentru Adrian Soare

Habar nu ai de ce esti in stare !!!

Monday, 10 January 2011

GTD and 80/20

GTD and 80/20

GTD has the potential to make your mind disengage from low-level tasks of remember-and-remind,
and move you up to intuitive choises about your options, based on your maturity of thinking,
and also as a side-effect of clearing your mind, it unlocks HUGE amounts of creative energy,
and creative thinking.

This has the potential downside of generating SO MUCH STUFF, that can turn into
SO MANY UNFINISHED PROJECTS that you are back where you started, or worst, buried even deeper.

The solution:

Simple -> 80/20 it!


(The 80/20 principle, the key to Success,
The 80/20 principle, achieve more - with less.
The 80/20 principle, the key to Success,
The 80/20 principle, achieve more.)


Thursday, 6 January 2011

Personal Finances and BUDGETING - Best Practices and Worst Practices

Just a bit of wisdom I've aquired from personal experience
with regard to budgeting and personal finances.



strucutre EVERYTHING to fit in these categories.

Best Practice: 10% DEOPARTE.

(every mnonth put aside ~10% of anything and everything you earn)
(this means instead of giving it to merchants and vendors and ohters, you are paying yourself!)

Best Practice: NEEDS <50%

things that must be paid, and are essential to sustain life.
includes - house rent, house upkeep (heat, water, etc), electric bill, minimum requrement of all bank loans payments,
and money for the food you NEED to just survive. also add in costs of food for other family members in case you are
responsible for others too.

Best Practice: WANTS.

use this category to put in ALL the REMAINING money.
this is the money you ACTUALLY have for your desires.
typical examples of stuff that goes here: new electronics doodads, travel and holidays, parties, snacks,
fast food, etc.
basically it includes most everything you WANT, but that is NOT ABSOLUTELY VITAL to your survival on the planet.

Best Practice: ENVELOPES.

this is huge

use envelopes for DEOPARTE. put them aside. this way you won't go into them.

envelope for, envelope for needs.upkeep, envelope for, envelope for, etc.
all needs in envelopes

use envelopes for specific big wants - ex: envelope named 'xyz trip, x money'

use envelopes for 'general expenses' wants

Best Practice: BUFFER BUDGET

this again was a break-through.

it seems that life is never perfect and neat, and you'll probably always be to some extent 'off-budget'
this is where the BUFFER ENVELOPES come in. they'll save your mental sanity.
instead of getting stressed out that the food costs 5% more than you expected and IT WOULD MESS UP ALL YOUR OTHER PERFECT BUDGETS,
you JUST USE THE BUFFER BUDGET to account for this and so the correction is easy, and especially - the correction like this

Best Practice: many buffer budget envelopes

this is a very low-tech way to manage how much money you have left.
just make 4-12 envelopes per month, and put some cash in them.
mark them week1, week2, .. or week1.part1, week1.part2, week2.part1, etc the thing is to make them many and with small amounts each.
the small amounts will make you more aware of how much you actually CAN spend IN THAT PARTICULAR DAY, COMPARED TO THE ENTIRE MONTH.
(ex - if you spend 2 weeks worth of buffer budget in half a day - it signals you probably have some major personal financial issues...)

but with small amounts in each envelope you know - 'okay.. it's the middle of week 2, and I've already used up my buffer envelopes up until

the end of week 3. I'd better watch out till the rest of the month.
(I'm refering to 'the end of the month' as in 'until the next salary')


Worst Practice: keeping all your money on your cards.

I don't know for sure why, but if all my money is on my cards I just feel like I have a ton of money that will never run out.
I guess it has something to do with not seeing the big picture, and not seeing all my needs, utilities, payments, and commitments all in front

of me to compare the priority objectively - then and there in my mind, on the spot .. when I feel like making a big purchase with the card.

and besides this, there's always that feeling of... 'oh, there's still enough left on the card'

Worst Practice: carying too much cash with you.

the impulsive part of me is damn strong, I'll tell you that, so if I have plenty of money in my wallet I may end up spending
a weeks worth of food money in just a day, on fast food, taxies, drinks at the bar, and other 'who-knows-what' doodads

so I found that carying only what you (the smart you) are allowing yourself (your impulsive self) to spend that day is
a good way to keep yourself (your impulsive self) in check.

but do remember to bring just a bit extra, so you don't get into trouble for not having enough money to buy a subway ticket :))

Usually I carry about 50% of what I think I'd spend in a week in my wallet.
+ the envelopes of stuff I need to pay - bank payments, blah blah.

Worst Practice: spending from your 'PUT ASIDE' envelope to buy doodads (wants)

I'm still working on this one.
When I do get the answer here, I'll be sure to note it.

Lucian Luminosul