Monday, 21 November 2011

un pas inaintea multimii...

Daca atunci cand esti vazut ca fiind cu un pas inaintea multimii, esti considerat un geniu; iar atunci cand esti vazut ca fiind cu doi pasi inaintea multimii, esti considerat nebun; atunci cheia succesului trebuie sa fie abilitatea de a te preface ca esti cu un pas inaintea multimii, in timp ce faci al treilea pas...

Friday, 18 November 2011

cum sa reformulezi dialogul intern

'nu am reusit, si asta inseamna ca sunt un r****' devine -> 'nu am reusit, si asta inseamna ca inca mai pot sa ma dezvolt, si inseamna ca invat'

'nu am facut lucrul asta perfect, inseamna ca nu merit' devine -> 'invat continuu'

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

on Motivation

Some people say that we only have a limited amount of motivation and willpower every day, and we should not waste it, and use it carefully.

I have a personal theory:

based on
-> NLP - we already have all the resources we need, inside us
-> Map of Consciousness - the amount of Power available at each higher level is exponentially higher
-> King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - every person has within himself or herself each of these four primordial archetypes.


So how come we're not motivated?

Simple: we're not accessing the Powerful energies of motivation. We're not accessing our deepest inner selves.
We're not motivated to access the source of the motivation.


...there are many.

1. NLP - use NLP techniques to create associations (anchors) for yourself to get into the motivated state.
2. Levels of Consciousness - raise your level of consciousness / operate from a higher level of consciousness mindset, in the area where you want to be motivated
3. Inner primordial Archetype energy -- (one of the most effective solutions) Don't do anything, and let the pain build until it is so much that you are forced to become motivated. (this works very effectively simply because it access the inner Warrior archetype.)