Thursday 15 July 2010

Wake up to music that you love and that energizes you!

This is a great idea,

especially if until now you had the common habits of sleeping in, of hitting snooze repeatedly,
of waking up groggy, etc. And especially if you are chronically late.
Starting out a day in a bad manner and spiralling...

The solution to all these problems is simple. It's common sense actually.

Wake up in a great way, a way that makes you energized, and even gives you a high - gives you a Joy for Living.

OK, sure it's common sense... but it's common sense that is not commonly practised.

So: one way would be to wake up naturally, from sunlight. This is a great way,
but solutions would be either natural sunlight, having your bed next to the window, and facing the sunrise... and having it be a sunny day...
One good replacement for this would be a sunrise alarm clock. Oddly enough they're quite tough to find in many places... but if you're really determined to get this handled you'll do whatever it takes to find one.

Another solution (or part of the solution)

Wake up to music that you love, and that energizes you!

This is simple:

find some of your favourite songs and put them in a startup playlist,
and set up your computer to wake up at a given time every day.
Seems simple.
But it often does not work... so what's the problem?

I recently found it...

Here's the catch:

The first song has to have a huge emotional impact on you. It has to energize you instantly.
This is where NLP anchors knowledge and experience can really help.

If it's just a song you ..'like' it won't work - you'll just keep on sleeping and be annoyed at the song.

It has to be an upbeat song, and it has to be linked to a very intense experience you had - then it the emotions and the adrenaline and energy of that experience will come flooding in and you'll JUMP out of bed!

It's even better than coffee. ;)

And you'll HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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